Question about Bra-Hood for 1998 Nisson 200sx? - hood bra
For any of you who know much about cars ... I have a really random question!
I like this year in Spokane, and we had a terrible winter, when the bonnet of my car a horizontal bar of all rocks and salt! And after trying to buy a bra for the hood. to help the number of students!
So here is my question! Everywhere I looked through the internet, it seems that a Commitments Altimas Nisson / Highs hell of a lot cheaper! and think that maybe my car is a smaller version of the Altima! and this is a bra for the Altima, in fact, it would fit my 200SX!
I do not know whether they are in size, when the bell are different!
HELP? :)
Or if you know of an event that is cheaper bras. Ide rather not pay 100.00 Döllerer for a bra that makes this old car!
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