Friday, 5 February 2010

Diesel Filter How Often How To Test Fuel Line For Hole?

How to test fuel line for hole? - diesel filter how often

I have a 1999.5 Jetta diesel. Always diesel pooling in the upper part of the fuel filter, and is often very reluctant to start. One day I looked exactly like my wife has started, and I was the trickle of hose clamps at the end of the line return filter between the filter and injectors (see Note) Not long line between the tank and filters. I replaced the caliper, but that has not helped.

I think it is a small hole in the fuel line. I visually, but does not see a hole. I wonder if it is only a small hole is too small to see. Suggestions do not test how, if I, the line of cars? I agree to the participation of the evidence to put him in a bucket of water would be a very bad thing, right?

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